Fishing Derby
Moon Over Mountwood
Will be held on June 1, 2024 (12-8pm)
Moon Over Mountwood Fishing Festival is a free event that the whole family can enjoy. This event is a park sponsored fishing tournament that will let the entire family get involved in the outdoors by displaying their fishing skills and abilities. The derby will begin on Saturday afternoon and end Saturday evening. The kids will be given the opportunity to try their luck at catching a bluegill, largemouth bass, channel catfish or maybe even a tiger musky. You can bring your boat and trolling motor to fish from the lake or set up lawn chairs along the bank for a relaxing evening of fishing.
Awards will be given for the longest fish in each division and participation awards will be given to the first 75 kids who catch a fish during the event. Prizes will be awarded after the event or you will be notified the following week to arrange pickup.
Fish will be measured by length to determine winners. This is not a total length competition. Prizes will be awarded for the 4 longest fish in each age group. Age groups for the event are listed below.
Ages (0-7), (8-12) and (13-17) will have the chance to win a kayak with paddles, life jacket, rod/reel combo kit, and a tackle box with tackle.
All participants must be accompanied by an adult, and participants 15 and older must have a current West Virginia fishing License. All WVDNR regulations have to be followed during the Derby. The rules, regulations and registration forms are on the website if you need more information. For any questions please contact the park office at 304-679-3611.