
Mountwood Park has a wide variety of habitats – deep forest, hillsides, cleared meadows, and wetlands – so it is no surprise that an equally wide variety of birds inhabit the Park. You will hear birds on any of the miles of trails, but you are most likely to see them during early mornings and evenings around the lake when the birds are most likely to feed. Regulars at the Park know that the Great Blue Heron can be observed almost any time of day fishing in the cat tail wetlands near the entrance at Rt. 50 or near the Lake House. Every summer the Canada geese raise multiple broods of goslings that grow to add to the Park flock.
Bluebirds are common at the nesting boxes scattered throughout the Park that are put up and maintained by the Friends of Mountwood. Both common and uncommon species that have been seen in or near the park can be seen in the gallery.
When the Park was first founded, full time naturalists were employed who encouraged the development of the Mountwood Bird Club. Active since 1980, the Club meets about 40 times a year with local and overnight trips. The club meets most Thursday mornings at 8 am at birding hot spots all over the region and they give a warm welcome to new members whether beginners or experienced birders
Visit their site for their full schedule. Sign up for their email list to get regular announcements of walks, locations, and requirements.